Helper function that escapes all Unicode characters in a JSON string.
Deserializes a JSON value into the destination variable.
Parses the given range as a JSON string and returns the corresponding Json object.
Parses the given JSON string and returns the corresponding Json object.
Serializes the given value to JSON.
Serializes the given value to JSON.
Serializes the given value to a pretty printed JSON string.
Writes the given JSON object as a JSON string into the destination range.
Writes the given JSON object as a prettified JSON string into the destination range.
Represents a single JSON value.
Serializer for a plain Json representation.
Serializer for a range based plain JSON string representation.
void manipulateJson(Json j) { // object members can be accessed using member syntax, just like in JavaScript j = Json.emptyObject; = "Example"; = 1; // retrieving the values is done using get() assert(j["name"].get!string == "Example"); assert(j["id"].get!int == 1); // semantic conversions can be done using to() assert(!string == "1"); // prints: // name: "Example" // id: 1 foreach( string key, value; j ){ writefln("%s: %s", key, value); } // print out as JSON: {"name": "Example", "id": 1} writefln("JSON: %s", j.toString()); }
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© 2012-2013 RejectedSoftware e.K.
JSON serialization and value handling.
This module provides the Json struct for reading, writing and manipulating JSON values in a seamless, JavaScript like way. De(serialization) of arbitrary D types is also supported.